Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A Novel Against Racism

A new novel, Gwe: Young Man of New Guinea, is nearing completion. It should be available within the month.

I have subtitled it "A Novel Against Racism," and it deals with the cause of prejudice.

The basis of this work is in Aesthetic Realism, the great philosophy founded by Eli Siegel in 1941 -- the basis for my website A New Perspective for Anthropology, http://www.perey-anthropology.net.

The book brings real anthropology together with respectful imagination about the inner lives of people of an ancient culture. It is based on real events some of which I witnessed and took part in, and some of which I learned of by people living in New Guinea when they happened.




The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method
The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company
Eli Siegel, founder of Aesthetic Realism: A Biography
Friends of Aesthetic Realism—Countering the Lies
Photography Education: the Aesthetic Realism Viewpoint
The Terrain Gallery / Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology
Lynette Abel / Aesthetic Realism and Life
Alice Bernstein, Aesthetic Realism Associate
Ellen Reiss writes on the "criticism" of John Keats
Ellen Reiss, Class Chairman of Aesthetic Realism, on poet Robert Burns
About Eli Siegel
Eli Siegel's 'Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites?'