Monday, June 20, 2011

"Anthropology Is about You and Everyone"

Class Taught by Dr. Arnold Perey
Spring-Summer 2011Alternate Wednesdays at 6:00 PM


May 18 - “Me vs. the World” in Anthropology

June 1 - Why Do Men and Women Fight in the Tribe and the Apartment?

June 15 - The Battle of Employer vs. Employee

  • From Siberian Nomads to Detroit and Flint, Michigan
June 29 - Fighting with Spears, Arrows, Swords & More – for What?
  • Icelandic Sagas, tribal wars, and a recent New York Times
July 13 - Conflict in Self – How Primitive, How Subtle, How You!

July 23 - Saturday 11 AM [Not Wednesday, July 27]
  • "Tribal Art Looks for the Answer." Saturday @ 11 AM, Metropolitan Museum of Art. We meet with the Visual Arts and the Opposites class, taught by Marcia Rackow
August 10 - The Evidence Goes On
  • Students in the class present evidence of the need for aesthetics, in the widest sense, in anthropology and the social sciences.

Aesthetic Realism Foundation
141 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
(212) 777-449-