Sunday, January 30, 2005

Countering the Lies about Aesthetic Realism, about Its Founder, Eli Siegel, and about Others

Some of the vilest and yet most transparent lies I have ever seen are to be found in web pages written by Michael Bluejay (formerly Michael Fabrizio) whom I knew, slightly, when he was a small child.

I was friendly with his mother and father at the time. I very briefly studied dance in a class his mother gave, together with a number of other students, but I soon realized that dance was not my strong point. Nevertheless, I found that her employment of the Aesthetic Realism method made her an excellent teacher and I benefited from what I learned about movement and enjoyed the way she taught. At the time she was on the faculty of Long Island University.

Along with his own lies, Michael Bluejay has posted literally pages of lies by some anonymous individuals. These anonymities he obviously encouraged by offering to put their quite unbelievable writings online.

I despise the desire to hurt people by lying about them publicly. And so I recommend to anyone who encounters this "flotsam of cybespace" while you are surfing the web--go to Friends of Aesthetic Realism--Countering the Lies, visit the Aesthetic Realism Foundation web site, read some of Eli Siegel's beautiful prose. And I imagine I'll reprint some of the funny satires that are now on "Countering the Lies" right here on this blog.

More later,
Best regards,


The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method
The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company
Eli Siegel, founder of Aesthetic Realism: A Biography
Friends of Aesthetic Realism—Countering the Lies
Photography Education: the Aesthetic Realism Viewpoint
The Terrain Gallery / Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology
Lynette Abel / Aesthetic Realism and Life
Alice Bernstein, Aesthetic Realism Associate
Ellen Reiss writes on the "criticism" of John Keats
Ellen Reiss, Class Chairman of Aesthetic Realism, on poet Robert Burns
About Eli Siegel
Eli Siegel's 'Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites?'