Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Anthropology Is about You and Everyone

Taught by Arnold Perey
Spring 2008
Aesthetic Realism Foundation

January 23 • The Scientific Concept of Contempt

The difference between what a thing deserves and what a person gives it, explained Eli Siegel, is one definition of contempt. The contempt principle is new to the social sciences and necessary in order to understand anthropology & oneself.

February 6 • Liking the World: The Evidence from Anthropology

The thing that makes human selves different from other life forms is seeing and caring for the world’s structure of opposites, and showing this in art, science, and in language itself.

Saturday February 23 • Selves and World in a Great Museum

Anthropology class joins THE VISUAL ARTS AND THE OPPOSITES class at the Museum of Natural History (Central Park West @ 79 th - 81 st Street) at 11 AM.

March 5 • Equality, What Is It?

Looking at tribal cultures in Africa, America, and elsewhere—& wealth inequities in the U.S. today—we ask, “What is equality, really?”

March 19 • Good and Apparent Good

When Hamlet questioned the apparent good of avenging his father, did he stand for the best in a human self—in Africa, Asia, Oceania, or Manhattan?

April 2 • Selfishness: the One Thing Seen As Evil in Cultures Worldwide

From the Wall Street Journal: “Trader Made Billions on Subprime. John Paulson Bet Big on Drop in Housing Values” (1.15.08).

April 16 • The Organizing Principle Is Always Aesthetic

Students in the class speak on instances of anthropology, explained by Eli Siegel's Theory of Opposites.


Resources by Ellen Reiss, Class Chairman of Aesthetic Realism. Important, powerful instances of her writing in the fields of literature and the social sciences